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  1. Purpose          
    1. It is the purpose of this organization to achieve the following:
      1. To provide an organized, recreational, and advanced competitive softball program for the players.
      2. To provide an enjoyable and memorable experience for the players who participate in the program.
      3. To develop softball skills and gain an appreciation and knowledge of the game.
      4. To develop good sportsmanship.
      5. To develop the qualities of citizenship and leadership through the game of softball.
      6. To promote physical fitness for the players.
      7. To prepare the players for competitive travel ball, high school, and beyond.
    2. In addition to providing recreational softball, it is the intent of this organization to provide an advanced level of softball for players who meet the criteria established by the Board. This advanced level of softball competition will consist of inter-city all-star tournament play.
    3. All adult volunteers who are involved are to work for the protection, guidance, well being and welfare of all participating players.





  1. Membership
    1. Open to all players, their parents, legal guardians and interested adults of the community, regardless of race, religion or national origin. Prospective members must meet the requirements established by these Bylaws. Membership includes: 
      1. Participating Members
      2. General Members 
      3. Honorary Members


  1. Specific Membership
    1. Participating Members include all registered players.
      1. Shall consist of players aged 5 (five) through 16 (sixteen) as of 12:00:01am, January 1 of the calendar year of play.
      2. Registration (Spring)
        1. Formal registration of prospective members should be held prior to the first Saturday in January; however, players may register through the end of March. Priority of placement on teams, for late registrants, will be determined by date of registration if the League cannot accommodate all registrants.  Registration postmarked by the cutoff date will be considered to be on time.
        2. Fees will be established each year by the current Board, based on projected expenses.
        3. First year PYLGSA players must present legal proof of date of birth at time of registration; other players upon request of the Registrar.
      3. Registration (Fall)
        1. Formal registration of prospective members should be held prior to the third Saturday in May; however, players may register through the end of September. Priority of placement on teams will be determined by date of registration if the League cannot accommodate all registrants.
        2. Fees will be established each year by the current board, based upon projected expenses.
        3. First year PYLGSA players must present legal proof of date of birth at time of registration; other players upon request of the Registrar.


  2. General Membership
    1. Parents or legal guardians of all currently registered players.
    2. All official Managers.
    3. All official Coaches.
    4. All Board Members.
    5. Honorary Membership may be conferred by the Board upon adult members of the community to recognize their outstanding contribution to PYLGSA.
    6. Have no obligations to PYLGSA, but are entitled to all privileges, with the exceptions of making motions, voting and holding office.


  1. Voting Privileges
    1. Each General Member shall be entitled to vote at all General Meetings; and shall be entitled to one (1) vote in the election of Executive Board.
    2. Honorary Members have no voting privileges.
    3. No absentee or proxy votes will be accepted.
    4. All elected & appointed Board Members shall be entitled to vote at any non-executive board meeting.


  1. Termination of Membership
    1. Participating Members may terminate their membership by notifying the appropriate Division Agent.
    2. General Members may terminate their membership by sending a letter of resignation to the League President.
    3. The Board reserves the right to terminate the membership of any individual who does not follow the bylaws, policies, rules or regulations of this organization.
    4. The Board reserves the right to terminate the membership of any individual who knowingly acts to the detriment of the League.


  1. Length of Membership
    1. Participating and General Memberships begin at the time of registration and continues in effect for one (1) full year from that date.
    2. Terms for Honorary Memberships are based upon the discretion of the Board.


  1. Compensation
    1. No Board Member shall receive any compensation, including monetary compensation or any other thing of value, for their service as a member of the Board.
      1. EXCEPTION: Each Board member will receive credit for (1) registration fee, for each full term they serve.
    2. If a board member uses his/her registration credit, but does not serve the full term for any reason, the amount of registration will be come due immediately upon his/her termination.





  1. Board of Directors
    1. Shall include Elected Officers and appointed Board Members.
      1. Must be 21 years of age or older.
      2. Have voting power pursuant to these Bylaws.
      3. Shall not use their position to the detriment of PYLGSA or to their own benefit. Violation of this code can subject that person to removal from office.
      4. Background checks must be obtained by any PYLGSA Board Member that holds an Executive Board Position or Committee Chair position, if that person has not already obtained a background check for a manager, head coach or team parent position. 


  1. Executive Board
    1. Elected officers
      1. President
      2. Vice President
      3. Director of Fields and Equipment
      4. Director of Communication
      5. Secretary
      6. Treasurer
      7. City Liaison
      8. Fourteen to Sixteen (14-16) and under Agent
      9. Twelve (12) and under Agent 
      10. Ten (10) and under Agent
      11. Eight (8) and under Agent
      12. Six (6) and Under Agent
      13. Player Agent at Large
      14. Registrar
      15. Director of Snack Bars
    2. Has the power to act for this organization when called into session between regular board meetings by the President, and with a quorum participating.


  1. Chairpersons of Standing Committees
    1. Appointed by the President and approved by a majority of the Executive Board.
      1. Manager of Snack Bar – East
      2. Manager of Snack Bar – West
      3. Recreational Tournament Director
      4. Invitational Tournament Director
      5. Opening Day
      6. Picture
      7. Publicity
      8. Sponsorship
      9. Trophies
      10. Uniforms
      11. Yearbook
      12. Fundraising
      13. Website


  2. General Powers
    1. The Board shall exercise all the powers of the organization in the management of the organization, subject to the restrictions imposed by law and common sense.
      1. By the Articles of Incorporation.
      2. By these Bylaws.


  3. General Duties of Board Members
    1. Prepares a proposed budget for their particular area of responsibility.
    2. Maintains a complete written inventory of all supplies and equipment owned by the League in their particular area of responsibility.
    3. Maintains an itemized, written account of all expenditures made in their area of responsibility, quantities ordered, quantities used and purchased prices.
    4. Prepares an Annual Report presented at the Annual Meeting of the Board, and to the incoming chairpersons to assist them in the execution of their official duties. The report shall include the following:
      1. Proposed budget.
      2. Written inventory.
      3. Itemized accounting of expenditures.
      4. Duties and methods of carrying out these duties.
      5. Recommendations and any other information, which may be of assistance to the new Board Members.
    5. Makes and executes decisions concerning their area of responsibility. They are encouraged to seek suggestions from the Board.




  1. Elected Officers


    1. President
      1. Chief executive officer; presides as Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Executive/Board and all General Meetings.
      2. Must pass the USA Softball background check.
      3. Executes all policies and decisions made by the Board.
      4. Coordinates all League activities and oversees all phases of League functions.
      5. Appoints all Standing Committee Chairpersons who shall be ratified by the Executive Board.
      6. Appoints all Special Committee Chairpersons.
      7. Recommends the removal of appointees, subject to a majority vote of the Executive Board.
      8. Ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating/Election Committee.
      9. Calls all meetings of the Executive Board and Board of Directors.
      10. Signs checks in conjunction with the Vice President or Treasurer.
        1. He may not sign any check that is payable to   himself (i.e. reimbursement for expenses).
      11. Is authorized to carry a league debit card, as issued by the league’s bank, and may use for any transaction under $500.00.
        1. Transactions over $500 require approval from Vice President or Treasurer.
      12. Coordinates all League matters with the cities of Placentia and Yorba Linda.
      13. Shall maintain a confidential file of Manager/Coach evaluations conducted by the Division Agent.
      14. Oversees all board members.
      15. Has umpire veto power if in agreement with Vice President.
      16. In case of a tie vote, the motion or vote shall be decided in whichever way the president votes.


    2. Vice President – Reports to President
      1. Assumes all duties of the President in the event of incapacity or at the request of the President.
      2. Must pass the USA Softball background check.
      3. Assists the President in League activities.
      4. Coordinates all activities with the Recreation and Parks Department, with regard to permits and facilities.
      5. Signs check in conjunction with President or Treasurer. He may not sign any check that is payable to himself (i.e. reimbursement for expenses)
      6. Is authorized to carry a league debit card, as issued by the league’s bank, and may use for any transaction under $500.00.  Transactions over $500 require approval from President or Treasurer.
      7. Coordinates tryouts with Division Agents.
      8. Responsible Officer for all executive board members except President.
      9. Assigns practice fields, batting cage and pitching machine usage.
      10. Responsible to ensure that PYLGSA meets city residency standards in both Yorba Linda and Placentia under each cities guidelines, and is authorized to block out of city registrations, create special waiting lists for out of city players; and create city draft pools if necessary to meet residency standards, with the approval of the VP Operations and the City Directors.  If these 3 positions will not approve, a majority vote of the Executive Board is required.
      11. Chairman of the Bylaw and Policy Committee and responsible for the execution of said Bylaws and Policy.
      12. Chairperson of Budget Committee.


    3. Director of Fields and Equipment – Reports to Vice President
      1. Must pass the USA Softball background check.
      2. Assist the President and Vice President in League activities.
      3. Responsible for inventory of all equipment and facilities.
      4. Directs field reps in weekly duties, league needs, and special functions.
      5. Field Projects (Team Projects)
        1. Receive lists of team projects as developed and approved by the VP of Support
        2. Allocate projects to divisions and teams
        3. Track completion of field projects. Will report completion to the VP of Support
      6. Provides procurement, security, accountability and distribution of all equipment used in League play, including practices and tournaments
      7. Maintains a written record of equipment, as defined above, owned by the League and/or owned by organizations, such as the Recreation and Parks Department that is on loan to the League.
      8. Develops and submits to the Treasurer a detailed budget, identifying the quantity and cost of equipment, as defined above, that will be required to accommodate the enrollment projected by the Board.
      9. Locates and obtains a facility in which all League equipment, uniforms, field service equipment, snack facility equipment, score keeping equipment and League records will be stored to insure optimum security.
      10. Responsible for the overall safety of all softball equipment used by the League.


    4. Director of Communications – Reports to Vice President
      1. Must pass the USA Softball background check.
      2. Responsible For
        1. League Web Site announcements and information
        2. Getting League Mail from PO Box
        3. All Social Media Accounts
        4. Publicity
        5. Board Roster
        6. Calendar 
        7. Response to email inquiries from the website
        8. Annual Parent Survey – compiles and reports to the board


    5. Secretary – Reports to Vice President
      1. Must pass the USA Softball background check.
      2. Keeps minutes of all Board Meetings.
      3. Maintains the League records, including Bylaws, Policies and Rules, with any amendments to these documents properly recorded.
      4. Keeps a file of all committee reports.
      5. Conducts the general correspondence of the League.
      6. In the absence of the President and Vice Presidents, calls the meeting to order and presides until the election of the Chairperson Pro Tem, which should be done immediately.
      7. Makes arrangements for all meeting rooms
      8. Handles all insurance needs of the League. Maintains a log of all injuries occurring during PYLGSA functions.
      9. Ensures Board Meeting Minutes are typed and in coordination with Director of Communication, distributed to all board members and posted to the website after approval at the next scheduled Board Meeting. 


    6. Treasurer – Reports to Vice President
      1. Must pass the USA Softball background check.
      2. Properly records all deposited funds.
      3. Prepares checks for the purpose of paying the bills and other expenses incurred in running the League. Two signatures are required for all written checks. Properly records all payments.  Prepares checks for the purpose of paying the bills and other expenses incurred in running the League. Refunds of registration fees may also be paid immediately without requiring two signatures, provided the President has approved the refund. Properly records all payments.
      4. Signs checks in conjunction with the President or Vice President. He may not sign any check that is payable to himself (i.e. reimbursement for expenses).
      5. Prepares the operating Budget, based on data supplied by various committee chairpersons and submits to the Board for approval, no later than the first meeting in December.
      6. Furnishes check register, financial reports and monthly bank reconciliations upon request.
      7. Submits complete financial report at the end of the league year to the Board of Directors.
      8. Make available financial records to any General Member upon approval of the Board.
      9. Arranges for annual review of tax submissions with league tax preparer or league accountant.
      10. Verifies the filing of all necessary State and Federal Tax and Information Forms by the league tax preparer or league accountant.


    7. City Liason – Reports to Vice President
      1. Sports Advisory Committee
        1. Prepare required materials for submittal to city including:
          1. Notice of intended Field Use Form
          2. Master Calendar
          3. Practice and Game Schedules
          4. League Rosters and Residency
          5. Insurance Certificates
        2. Attend SAC Meetings as scheduled by the city for field allocations
      2. Coordinates league activities with city representative(s)
        1. Report Field problems to the appropriate person(s)
        2. Snack Bar
        3. Lighting Schedules
        4. Tournaments  


  1. Division Agents – Reports to Vice President
    1. One (1) or more agents for each of the following divisions.
    2. Fourteen-Sixteen (14-16) and under 
    3. Twelve (12) and under East National, West National, & American 
    4. Ten (10) and under East National, West National, & American 
    5. Eight (8) and under 
    6. T-ball
    7. Player Agent at Large **
    8. May not have a child playing in the age group they oversee. May not manage/coach a team in their division.
    9. Obtains and verifies managers and coaches for their respective divisions with help from the Director of Coaches, if needed. The Division Agents will also verify all “freezes”, and “buddy” options for their division.
    10. Represents the interests of each Participating Member and ensures that all actions taken by Managers, Coaches, Board or General Membership are taken for the well being and welfare of these younger members.
    11. Maintains records for each player in their respective divisions as supplied by the Registrar in Strict CONFIDENCE. Information can only be released with approval of the Board.
    12. Assists in the organization and execution of registration, tryouts and team formation in conjunction with the VP of Operations and Registrar.
    13. Accepts resignations of Participating Members. Verifies the reason for resignation. Notifies registrar of any resignations.
    14. Disseminates all pertinent information to their Managers in a timely fashion.
    15. Presents any problems pertaining to their Managers or Coaches that require Board action.
    16. Shall hold a minimum of two (2) meetings with the managers in their division/conference. It is suggested that these meetings be held:
      1. Soon after practice starts,
      2. At the mid-season point.





  1. **1A. Specific to Agent at large
    1. Serves as the liaison between the Board and CCS (Competitive Club Softball) teams.  CCS teams will report all activities, questions, and concerns to the Agent at Large and the Vice President.
    2. Informs all current CCS teams when status renewal occurs (Approximately January and July).


  1. Registrar – Reports to Vice President
    1. Responsible for the recruitment program to be held prior to registration.
    2. Organize and execute registration.
    3. Maintains a current and complete file of registrations and membership.
    4. Coordinate team formation with the Division Agents.
    5. Supplies Division Agents with player information for their respective divisions.
    6. Maintains a confidential waiting list of players in each division.
    7. Passes on the completed Manager's applications to the appropriate Division Agents.
    8. Responsible to ensure that PYLGSA meets city residency standards in both Yorba Linda and Placentia under each cities guidelines, and is authorized to block out of city registrations, create special waiting lists for out of city players; and create city draft pools if necessary to meet residency standards, with the approval of the Vice President and City Liason.  If these 2 positions will not approve, a majority vote of the Executive Board is required.


  1. Director of Snack Bars – Reports to Vice President
    1. Must pass the USA Softball background check.
    2. Chairs the Committee that runs the League's Snack Bars.
    3. The Committee is responsible for: 
      1. Developing an operating budget.
      2. Accounting for and safeguarding all receipts
      3. Arranging for Snack Bar facilities at each playing location.
      4. Arranging for staffing of all snack bars. (Workers must be at least 16 years old).
      5. Arranging for the opening and the closing of the Snack Bar each day.
      6. Coordinating Snack Bar operations at all League sponsored tournaments.
      7. Responsible for maintaining the high quality of foodstuffs sold to the public by the league.
      8. Ensuring that monies received are deposited within forty-eight (48) hours of receipt.
      9. Delivering copies of receipts to Treasurer on a weekly basis.



  1. Section 2: Standing Committee Chairpersons


  1. Director of Team Parents – Reports to Director of Communication
    1. Maintains a list of all Team Parents
    2. Distributes information to the Team Parents in conjunction with the Director of Communication.


  1. Field Service – Reports to Director of Fields and Equipment
    1. Recruits personnel to assist in the preparation of the fields prior to league play
    2. Reports all dangerous and adverse field conditions to the VP of Support
    3. Develops security, accountability and distribution of field service equipment to be used in League and tournament play
    4. Procures field-marking material.
    5. Oversees the preparation of the playing fields prior to scheduled League Games.
    6. Responsible for the overall safety of all field equipment used by the League.


  1. Uniforms – Reports to President
    1. Selects and coordinates with Uniform Vendor to order, purchase and distribute necessary softball wearing apparel for Regular League, Intra-city All Stars and USA Softball All Stars.


  1. Fundraising – Reports to Director of Communications
    1. Coordinates all PYLGSA fundraising events.
    2. Must pass USA Softball background check.


  1. Registrar Assistant – Reports to Registrar
    1. Provide assistance to the registrar. 


  1. Invitational Tournament Director – Reports to President
    1. Shall oversee the Summer All-Star Tournament and Invitational Winter Tournament (“Mitzi Riggs”).
    2. Shall oversee all aspects of tournament, including but not limited to, scheduling, team/league registration, team eligibility, and all other details.
    3. Sets up the tournament with all plans being approved by the President, and assisted by all members of the Board.
    4. Makes arrangement to have trophies presented.


  1. Recreational Tournament Director – Reports to President
    1. Shall oversee the scheduling of Intra-City All Star Tournament Play, and Turkey Tournament.
    2. Shall supervise and set guidelines for selection and team formation, and shall communicate with Director of Communication and Player Agent(s).
    3. Shall serve as the All-Star Ombudsman for the Intra-City competition with the responsibilities of final and exclusive resolution of any dispute between Intra-City All-Star Teams, Managers, or otherwise, related to field allocations, playing times, tournament admissions, or other issues that arise during Intra-City All-Star Season.
    4. Sets up the tournament with all plans being approved by the President, and assisted by all members of the Board.
    5. Makes arrangement to have trophies presented.


  1. Website Coordinator – Reports to Director of Communication
    1. Responsible for design and maintenance of league website
    2. In coordination with the Director of Communication, posts announcements and updates to all information on the website. 


  1. Snack Bar Manager, West – Reports to Director of Snack Bars
    1. Supervises operations of Placentia snack bar(s) in cooperation with Director of Snack Bars.
    2. Purchases and maintains inventory, communicates with and provides direction to volunteer staff, oversees financial transactions, and reports expenses and income to Director of Snack Bar and Treasurer. 
    3. Delivers receipts to Director of Snack Bars on a weekly basis.


  1. Snack Bar Manager, East – Reports to Director of Snack Bars
    1. Supervises operations of Yorba Linda snack bar(s) in cooperation with Director of Snack Bars.
    2. Purchases and maintains inventory, communicates with and provides direction to volunteer staff, oversees financial transactions, and reports expenses and income to Director of Snack Bar and Treasurer. 
    3. Delivers receipts to Director of Snack Bars on a weekly basis.


  1. Trophy Coordinator
    1. Responsible for obtaining and distributing awards for league participants.


  1. Publicity Coordinator
    1. Submits articles to local newspapers and other media with regard to games, activities, Invitational Tournament, League Registration, game scores and League standings.
    2. Arranges for recognition with cities of Placentia and Yorba Linda for 1st place post season Championship accomplishments by Travelling All-Stars.
    3. Arrange for production and posting of banners announcing registration. 


  1. Pictures Coordinator
    1. Responsible for the scheduling and distribution of individual and team pictures in conjunction with the Director of Team Mothers.
    2. Coordinates with the Sponsorship Chairperson to get team pictures for the sponsor plaques.


  1. Sponsorship Coordinator
    1. Responsible for obtaining and distributing the sponsorship awards in conjunction with the treasurer.
    2. Assists the Treasurer in providing a list of sponsors for posting to the Website for both Spring and Winter Ball.


  1. Game Scheduler
    1. Schedules and reschedules League games for the season.
    2. Provides Game schedules to Agents and to Website Coordinator for posting.


  1. Opening Day Coordinator
    1. Coordinates all aspects of Opening Day events.


  1. Yearbook Coordinator
    1. Coordinates the contracting, design, publication and distribution of the annual yearbook.






  1. Executive Board
    1. Vacancies occurring because of resignation or any other reason, will be filled by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Executive board, at a regularly scheduled meeting.
    2. Officers failing to perform their duties, as specified by these Bylaws, may be removed from office by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members of the Executive Board at a duly scheduled meeting with three-fourths (3/4) of the members in attendance.



  1. Committee Chairpersons
    1. Vacancies occurring by resignation or any other reason will be filled by Presidential appointment, subject to approval of a majority of the Executive Board, at a regularly scheduled meeting.
    2. President has the authority subject to the approval of a majority of the Executive Board at a regularly scheduled meeting to remove any appointee that has failed to perform the duties of their respective office, as specified in these Bylaws.





  1. Nominating/Election Committee
    1. Formation
      1. President will appoint an acting Chairperson of the Nominating/Election Committee.
      2. Appointment shall be made by Opening Day of the current year.
      3. Appointee must be a General Member of the League.
      4. Acting Chairperson will select the remaining four (4) members of the committee.
      5. Only two (2) of the five (5) members may be members of the Executive Board.
      6. Each division of the League will be represented on the committee, if possible.
      7. Committee formation shall be completed by April 1 of the current year.
      8. President may not be a member of the Nominating/Election Committee unless he/she is not seeking an elected office the next year.
      9. No Nominating/Election Committee Member may serve on the Nominating/Election Committee unless he/she is not seeking an elected office the next year, nor serve for more than two (2) consecutive years.
    2. Duties
      1. First order of business will be to elect a permanent Chairperson.
      2. Nominates one (1) or more candidate(s) for each of the offices of the Executive Board is as specified in Article III, Section 2A.
      3. Only General Members are eligible to be candidates for the Executive Board positions.
      4. Other immediate family members (ie; grandparents) may hold Executive Board positions with the approval of the president and subject to approval by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the Executive Board.
      5. Committee Chairperson shall contact each person the Committee wishes to nominate in order to obtain a potential Candidate's acceptance of the nomination offered by the Committee.
    3. Committee Report
      1. Committee will submit its report of nominees to the Board at the Last scheduled Board Meeting that is held at least two (2) weeks prior to the elections.
    4. Nominations from the Floor
      1. Nominations of qualified candidates will be accepted at the Board Meeting, as prescribed in Article Vl, Section 1, C, after the report of the Nominating Committee is given.
      2. Candidates must indicate their acceptance. Absent nominees must give this acceptance in writing to the Secretary.
    5. Nomination of Nominating/Election Committee Members
      1. Committee Members may be nominated for elected offices
      2. Committee Members, who have accepted nomination for elected offices must resign, but need not be replaced.
    6. Posting of Nominees
      1. Must post a list of all nominees at each snack bar and on the website at least two (2) Saturdays prior to the election.


  1. Elections
    1. Nominating/Election Committee organizes and executes elections.
      1. Committee Chairperson seeks additional volunteers to assist with the election.
      2. Candidates may not assist in the elections.
    2. Board and Nominating/Election Committee will ensure a fair and impartial election.
    3. General Members are entitled to one (1) vote.
      1. A list of eligible voters will be prepared by the Registrar pulled from registration forms. 
    4. Voting will be by secret ballot unless candidates for Elected Officers positions are unopposed whereby a voice vote can be conducted.
    5. Voting privileges are specified in BYLAWS ARTICLE II Section 3 C. 
    6. Committee coordinates preparation and printing of the official election ballot.
      1. Sequence of candidates: a. Nominees are listed under the appropriate position.
      2. Specific voting instructions shall be included in the ballot.
    7. Election Day
      1. Voting takes place at the General Membership Meeting to be held as specified in ARTICLE VIII Section 4, G.
      2. Eligible Voters Lists, provided the Registrar, will be used to verify voter’s eligibility if a protest is registered.
      3. Ballots will be provided to legal voters. After voting, the folded ballots will be collected by the Chairperson of the Nominating/Election Committee.
    8. Tabulation of Ballots
      1. Ballots will be tabulated, by the Nominating/Election Committee, immediately following the conclusion of voting.
      2. A plurality vote will be necessary for election. I.e.: the candidate who receives the most votes wins.
    9. In the case of a tie, a re-vote will be taken for the tied candidates only.
    10. In the case of a second tie, the winner will be determined by a vote of the current Executive Board.
      1. Winners of the election will be announced during the General Membership Meeting.
      2. Any office not filled due to a lack of candidates shall be considered vacant and will be filled by the new Executive Board under a provision of Article V, Section 1.
    11. Committee Report
      1. President will present the official announcement of the newly elected officers at the meeting.
      2. Chairperson will place the marked ballots in a sealed envelope. The marked ballots will be given to the Secretary to hold for a period of 90 days and then destroyed.
      3. Extra-unmarked ballots may be destroyed immediately following the election.


  1. Term of Office
    1. Executive Officers are elected to serve for one (1) year.
    2. Term of Office will begin at the Annual Meeting of the out-going and in-coming Boards, which will be the last regularly scheduled meeting of the season in accordance with Article V111, Section 3, A of the Bylaws.






  1. The Budget Committee
    1. Minimum attendees are:
      1. Vice President
      2. Treasurer 
      3. Director of Fields and Equipment
      4. Uniform Coordinator
      5. Director of Snack Bars
    2. The duty of this committee is to prepare the budget based on information provided to them by the various Standing Committee Chairpersons and Executive Board Officers, for the fiscal year which begins on October 1.
    3. The budget should be submitted to the Board for approval no later than 60 days prior to the beginning of each fiscal year.


  2. The League Policy & Bylaws Committee A. Composed of:
    1. Vice President, who shall chair the Committee, plus a minimum of two (2) other General Members, representing different League divisions.
    2. Each division of the League shall be represented on this committee, if possible.
    3. Review current League Policy and recommend any changes or revisions to the Board no later than the first regularly scheduled meeting in November.
    4. Reviews the Bylaws and recommends specific amendments or changes to the Board no later than the first regularly scheduled meeting in November.






  1. Section 1: Executive Board Meeting
    1. The executive Board may be called to meet between regularly scheduled Board Meetings if deemed appropriate by the President, and will be called if three or more Executive Board Members present a specific, urgent issue to the President. (See BYLAWS, ARTICLE III, Section 2B)


  1. Section 2: Board of Directors Meetings
    1. Meet as scheduled or as requested by the President.
    2. Director of Communication notifies Board members at least three (3) days in advance of each meeting.
      1. Notification can be in the form of an email, website post, social media post, and/or calendar post.
    3. Meetings are open to General Members who may participate in Board discussion. However, General Members are unable to make motions, second motions, and vote at these meetings. Only members of the Board of Directors as defined in Article II of these Bylaws are able to make motions, second motions, and vote motions.
    4. The President, Vice President, and/or Secretary may invite director or Representative of the Parks and Recreation Departments of the City of Placentia, and City of Yorba Linda, to all Board meetings.
    5. A quorum shall consist of 51% of the Executive Board members.
    6. Board Members may not vote on any action involving themselves in which they have a conflict of interest that would result in financial benefit. 
    7. Board Members may not vote on any action regarding a Competitive Club Status team on which their child is currently rostered.


  1. Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors
    1. The last regularly scheduled meeting of the season, after all League games and League Sponsored Tournaments have been completed, shall be known as the Annual Meeting of the Board.
    2. The meeting shall be attended by the retiring members of the Board and the newly elected members of the Board.
    3. Purpose of the Annual Meeting
      1. The meeting shall be held for the purpose of receiving an Annual Report from every retiring Board Member.
  2. The Annual Report is a complete written summary of all important work done during the year by the retiring Board Member. It should provide all the necessary information including a description of duties, methods of carrying out these duties, budget figures, needed materials and recommendations, to enable the new Board Members to execute their new responsibilities.
  3. After presentation to the Board, the report and League notebook shall be given to the appropriate new Board Members.
    1. The meeting shall also be held to provide information and assistance to the new Board members.
  4. The retiring President shall be in charge of the meeting until all business of the previous year is completed. Upon completing of this business, the meeting is turned over to the new president and the official term of office shall begin.


  1. General Meetings
    1. Held for all General Members of the League. (See Article II.)
    2. The "Call of the Meeting, the written notice of the meeting, specifies the purpose of the meeting.
    3. The General Meetings shall be called at such times as deemed necessary by the President.
    4. The President shall be the presiding officer.
    5. General and Participating Members have the right to participate and vote in a General Meeting. (Voting privileges are specified in ARTICLE II Section 3 C.)
    6. The Annual General Membership Meeting will be held during the middle of May at which time the election of Elected Officers will be held for next year.


  2. Electronic Voting
    1. All executive Board members and Committee Chair Board members shall be provided an authorization to sign allowing for email voting pursuant to this Article. The signed authorizations shall be maintained by the Secretary.
    2. In his/her sole discretion, the President (or other Board member assuming the duties of President as set forth in Article IV) may call for an email vote on any motion excluding any motion to: Amend the Bylaws; terminate the membership of any member; or, remove a Board member from office.
    3. In the event of email voting pursuant to this article, the President shall send out an electronic ballot specifically describing the motion. The electronic ballot shall contain an area for the Board members to vote to approve or disapprove of the pending motion.
    4. In order to cast a valid vote, a Board member must "Reply to All" with his/her vote within 72 hours of the electronic ballot being sent by the President (or other Board member assuming the duties of President as set forth in Article IV) . 
    5. For purposes of a quorum, at least 51% of Executive Board members must cast a valid vote pursuant to Section D.
    6. To be adopted, the motion must be approved by a majority of the voting Board members.
    7. Voting pursuant to Articles V and VIII, Section III, is required if any Board member objects to electronic voting during any particular ballot.
    8. The Secretary shall authenticate the results of any electronic voting and keep all executed electronic ballots.








  1. Revisions to by-laws
    1. Changes to the Bylaws
      1. May be submitted by the Bylaws Committee or any General Member in good standing. Revisions submitted by a General Member must be reviewed by the Bylaws Committee.
      2. Bylaws Committee will present its recommendation(s) in writing to all Board Members prior to the Board voting on the revisions.
      3. To be voted on by the Board with a minimum of seven days from the time it is submitted before it can be voted upon.
      4. Needs vote approval by 75% of those present at a regularly scheduled meeting with a quorum of the Board participating.







The Placentia Yorba Linda Girls Softball Association, herein referred to as the “organization”, is committed to providing an environment free of all violence and harassment. This organization prohibits all violence, threatened or otherwise. This organization’s anti- harassment-non violence policy applies to all persons involved in the operation of the organization and general membership and prohibits all violence and harassment by any volunteer of the organization, including Executive Board, Committee chairs and general members of the league. Prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to, the following behavior:


Physical conduct including assault, unwanted touching, and intentional blocking of normal movement;


Verbal conduct such as threats of violence, abusive or insulting language;


Retaliation for reporting or threatening to report prohibited conduct.


If you believe you have been the subject of prohibited conduct, submit a written complaint to the Parliamentarian or Executive Board Member of your choice as soon as possible after the incident. Your complaint should include details of the incident or incidents, names of individual(s) involved and names of any witnesses. All complaints of prohibited conduct will be submitted to a committee of one or more persons appointed by the President and, at the earliest opportunity, will undertake an effective, thorough, and objective investigation of the harassment/violence allegations. Upon completion of the investigation, the committee will report its findings to the Board of Directors.


If the organization determines that harassment, threats of violence or physical violence has occurred, effective remedial action will be taken in accordance with the circumstances involved. Any individual determined by the organization to be responsible for prohibited conduct may be subject to disciplinary action based upon the seriousness of the conduct. Penalties may range from admonishment to termination of membership and being barred from all PYLGSA activities. The organization will not retaliate against you for filing a complaint and will not tolerate or permit retaliation by Executive Board members, Committee chairs or team managers or coaches.